

Despite our best efforts, sometimes, you just need a french fry fix! Luckily, this recipe for baked fries using sweet potatoes is pretty guilt-free. We love these paired with our mini brioche hamburger sliders, or even on their own - they make a great snack!

Here's the recipe:

Baked Sweet Potato French Fries with Parmesan & Cilantro

4 sweet potatoes
2 Tablespoons olive oil
1/3-1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese
A handful of fresh cilantro, roughly chopped
Salt and Pepper, optional
1. Preheat the oven to 425 degrees Fahrenheit.
2. Peel, rinse and dry the potatoes.
3. Now, you can either:
a. Use the proper blade on a mandolin to create ‘french fry’ shape or
b. Cut it by hand. Depending on the size of the sweet potato, you may wish to cut it in half lengthwise but if it is small/short, don’t worry about it. Take a half of the sweet potato and cut it into large slices about 3/4 inch thick. Then cut them lengthwise at about 1/2 inch to 3/4 inch thick.
4. Toss them into a bowl, drizzle with the olive oil and mix well so that they are coated evenly. Bake them for 20-25 minutes depending on their thickness and how you prefer your fries.
5. Place the fries in a bowl and sprinkle on the cheese and cilantro. Season with salt & pepper if necessary.
Give this recipe a try! We love these paired with a homemade ranch dipping sauce - there's a great recipe on The Pioneer Woman, here.

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